Thursday, September 9, 2010

Study Aids

With the new year school approaching (or for some already here), there have been a lot of interesting articles about the best practices in studying. I thought I would run through some of the best ones that appear to be based on actual research.

The NYT has a neat article showing how some of the standard advice for studying is wrong:

- For example, instead of always studying in one place (like your dorm room or library carrel), you should have multiple study spots because your brain makes associations between the material you are studying and the external environment.

- Also, instead of studying one thing intensely at a single sitting, it is good to study multiple subjects or multiple types of problems.

The British Psychological Society's Research Digest also lists 9 Evidence-Based Study Tips. A few of my favorites are these:

- Take naps
- Test yourself
- Believe in yourself
- Forgive yourself for procrastinating

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